Web Consultant
Hi, i am the Project Manager / Web Consultant at Menkom and i’ve been in the IT industry since 1995.
I was there in the Dotcom boom era in the 90’s when most were still oblivious to what the internet was and when Google was not a house hold name. It amazes me till this day how the internet has shaped our lives so much in such little time. The internet was no more than just black and white text with minimal graphics and people were accessing the internet via modems that took 5 minutes to just connect. I am self taught in much of what i know and i’m always looking for new and exciting challenges that will keep me occupied.
I have a background in IT technical support and have worked both permanently and contractually for some large technology firms. I have an interest in keeping fit, writing music, cars and a habit of always trying new things.

IT Administrator
Hi, i am the one people refer to as the “The IT Guy”. The guy who fixes your pc, your laptop, your printer, your server, your network… the list goes on.
It’s been 14 years and running in the IT industry for me, and I cannot believe the advances in technology over the years. Most people ask me “how do you keep up with all this technology Mil”? I guess it’s my passion to succeed in no matter what I do (personal or work) that I always find myself turning to technology solutions to help me succeed more efficiently. So I guess working @ Menkom allows me to apply that same passion to other businesses that are also looking to succeed in what they do with the use of today’s ever evolving technology. However, there are times that I do disconnect from the technology world and in those times you will likely find me @ home doing something in the back yard, watching a movie or most likely eating a wood fire pizza with the FAM.
[skype-status skype_id=”mil.menkom”]

WordPress Guru
Im the WordPress guy, when I’m not watching Terra Nova, Playing with the kids, or spending time with my wife, I live and breath WordPress.
I handcraft themes and plugins from a private library of code which is constantly being updated and refreshed. Always looking for the more efficient way of working, Always seeking that bit of code that is .00001 seconds faster and never sacrificing quality for quantity.
While I don’t have the many years experience that Mitch and Mil do, I do have a passion and a drive to be the best at what I do. I have a work history including farm labouring and carpentry so I know the meaning of hard work and am not afraid to put in 110% if it means a satisfied client.
Working for Menkom has given me invaluable experience that I will always be able to use in moving forward.

The Complete Guru
I am a highly detail-oriented person with a passion for creativity. I have expertise of more than 6 years in the web industry. I specialize in high quality web development and innovative internet marketing solutions. I work on all kind of web development for Menkom from simple business website, eCommerce to custom applications and online marketing.